Whats Next?

Well Guys, Im planning for some coming soon service or some new concept to be appear on edu.joshuatly.com.
So have a sneak peak of those ideas and comments are welcome!

Due to popular demand, many of my visitors want me to send those trial papers to their email inbox, after thinking for a while, and searching for the net, i decided to open this option for PREMIUM USERS.
Yeah, PREMIUM USERS means they pay for the service, and they will have some more benefits compared with normal readers.
Basically, PREMIUM USERS will have rights to access a special zone content DIRECT DOWNLOAD LINK (Like what you can have last year after registered as a member). Super fast ads free download link will be provided.
They can also request trial papers to send to their email inbox directly!
And they may have access to some content that i havent release it to my blog!

Price for the PREMIUM account and some more details i will be working on it soon.

OK. Finish talking about money. Lets talk about some new concept that im planning to have for this blog. For EVERYONE.
Firstly, do you guys think that my blog’s name or URL are easy to remember?
Or you guys prefer me to change my blog’s name and url to some more specific one?
Like SPM-STPM-Trial-Papers.com (I know this is sucks)
OR TrialPapers.com?
Well, im not creative enough to think about one. What about you? Whats your idea?
Share your idea here. If i use your idea as my blog’s name/URL, you will be rewarded.
If i dont get any good idea, or you feel that there is no need to change, i will also accept and all will remain unchanged.

Second thing is about, I want to make this blog more than a blog.
Maybe i will make a community like building a facebook profile for every year’s reader?
So you all can just do more than surfing my blog… Haha.

And, the last thing i thinked about is, doing an Study Zone and Relax Zone here.
Study zone will have all things about study, links to other education related blogs or websites, and index of resources of my site.
Relax zone will have something like ChatBox (that you can chat till you drop), music player, sharing of YouTube video, small flash games, etc… that you can have some time relax after studying for hours.
Fun is it?

So what i want from you is some feedback from you.
Do comment and tell me what you think is good and bad.
I will try to collect as much feedback as possible and decide to do it or not.



4 responses to “Whats Next?”

  1. afif ikhwan Avatar
    afif ikhwan

    I think you should change your URL… Because agak susah nk ingat url website ni.

  2. any suggestion?
    Cos im thinking the same thing too!

  3. revathi retnam Avatar
    revathi retnam

    pls send my spm result.

    1. revathi retnam Avatar
      revathi retnam

      i can c my spm result

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