ICT Trial Papers 2008 Collection

UPDATE 08/11/2009:
Mediafire link added

Here i collected all ICT Trial Papers 2008 from most of the state and compile it in one post.
Papers available are:

Negeri Sembilan
One unknown paper


someone did email me and ask for mirror and this is it!


Post re-written and re-post. Rapidshare link up. If you need more mirror, do inform me using the contact form!



64 responses to “ICT Trial Papers 2008 Collection”

  1. Why the ICT Trial Papers 2008 Collection cannot download?i also waiting for Kelantan Trial Papers..pls upload it..thz…

    1. ya lo….. Why ICT Trial exam paper can’t download de ??…

      1. can download! checked!

        1. can download but can’t open … wan to use wad software to open it ??

        2. ok already …thx ..

    2. kristine Avatar

      ict papers cant be download how u downloas, always say you must be logged in already logged in still cant, pls assist

    3. jacklim Avatar

      may you lead me to download the ict trial paper

    4. Patrick980 Avatar

      Hello, i can’t download the ICT too.
      Pls upload again, millions of thanks!

  2. Cg. Ada jawapan untuk percubaan Bahasa Malaysia kertas 1 negeri kelantankah?
    Kalau ada, tolong kirim kepada alamat e-mel saya, iaitu c.leongwong@yahoo.com
    terima kasih

  3. plz gv me ICT trial papers 2008 collection…i really need it..plz send 2 my email add poova_7@yahoo.com.10q

    1. again, i dont send papers via email.

  4. why i want to donwload it said must log in 1st?i want trial paper from penang fasterly..huhhuu

    1. please lah, i hope you can read through the whole blog before asking such a question/
      at least read the FAQ section 1st!

  5. yongqin91 Avatar

    I nid the skema of all the questions…pls upload the skema…thx a lots…

    1. you want me to punch your head?
      please download it and open it, read it before making such a rubbish comment!
      All papers comes with answer except the unknown paper.
      haiz… i susah payah go and get for you all then you go and say no answer without reading through it 1st!
      and i think im wasting my time doing all these things.

      1. Dude,just patience with them coz they all blur2 about whole FAQ & your hardworking just to upload all the paper.

        Giving u a thumbs up for all you done on the upload!

        1. Shenzo, i agree with you.. Joshua is doing great job! Keep it up!

  6. knightyau1 Avatar

    Hope can get some KL and selangor paperS~~~~~~

    can u upload it?thx 4 ur help~~!!

  7. ravias0408 Avatar

    ya au au!
    i need n9’s papers scheme ryte now!

  8. Firstly, let me thanku for a job well done. ICT papers are the hardest to obtain. You have made our lives much easier.

    Registering to to you is one of the best things I have done. Information and technology is power. kudos to u. And thank u again.

  9. xiaoshyan Avatar

    i could’nt open..how?

    1. open using winrar or winzip

  10. Really appreciate your efforts… Especially for getting the papers for this subject.
    Might even have to dedicate the A (if I get one) in ICT to you haha

  11. hey, thx for ur help!!
    relly appreciate it…
    well done XD

  12. Thanks Joshuatly !!

    p/s:qhy is the kelantan paper a bit senget…hahahah

  13. Haven’t receive your verification link lah , why

    1. email me personally then i will verifies for you!

  14. Can anyone tell me any tips for the Sejarah paper?

  15. Hope you can help us to get the KL and Selangor trial papers~

  16. joshua ,

    do u have the answer for the ICT trial papers for the states ?

    1. if you had downloaded it, you will discover it have answers!

  17. thanks bro.. may god bless u.. wish all the best!!!

  18. Joshua,

    I really very appreciate your effort to gather all the ICTs together. A big clap to you…. Thank you very much. I hope you will continue this in coming years. Please ignore those who really don’t know how to appreciate and those who ask nonsense. They should read FAQ before trying anything. That’s what i did before i registered.
    Thank you once again. 🙂

  19. stephen123 Avatar

    Thanks very much for the trial papers collection. Really appreciate your efforts and you did a great job! ^_^


  20. just wondering how to download tis ict paper…..do help i can’t get in it….

  21. ermm need some help here…..i can download tis ict paper but once u open it in windows it comes out in the funny words…….why like tat……sos here pls

    1. dear Dixie,

      i think i can give you some guidelines. first, you have to install winzip or winrar in your PC. then, you have to make sure that your PC have installed Adobe Acrobat 7.0 or 8.0. once your PC have these software, you can read the questions easily.


      1. i will try thanks for the guideline

  22. haloo…where i should to click to download the exam paper?thanks !! ^^

  23. popoyopopoyo Avatar

    hey.send me trial questions ICT dekat my email address.need them ASAP!!

    1. Read the FAQ,you need to register to download the paper.

      Dont be dumb lazy want to register not even take your 1 minutes of time.

      1. popoyopopoyo Avatar

        im not a dumb lazy la.
        already registered.
        downloaded loads of files from here.yet, jus dis one i cant get my hands on it.dats y i asked for the help.

    1. x1000000000000 thanks to you!
      i had posted it up!

  24. how to download?plsss teach me

  25. send me trial questions ICT to my email address.need ASAP!!TQ

  26. how can i download the trial paper it is free?

  27. thanx joshua 4 the spm trial questions…! really appreciate u!

  28. hey…..i already register…but no verification email is send to my address….so…how????

  29. i need all the trailz stpm 2008…..4rn all the states in the country

  30. angelzzz Avatar

    sorry ! i want 2 ask how 2 download the ict trial paper ?

  31. no ict trial paper from johor?

  32. is there any problem?
    My screen show this “Direct Download:

    Mirror Download:
    Coming soon…”
    No link for me to click.

  33. ict papers coulndt download lahhhhhhhhh……..:-(

  34. can you send me more questoin chemistry and bm of trial spm exam

  35. hey joshua, i cant seem to download those papers. can u fix them?

  36. hey dude. can u pls upload the ict spm trials 2009 when they’re out ? thanks for all the papers u provided till now !!! great job…

  37. justina Avatar

    joshua…di u hv account paper????for stpm

  38. Pls delete the links so that the students won’t lied on the answer

    1. These papers are shared because of somebody might not get a complete set from their school, or on some circumstances that teachers might not be able to discuss and do all with students! I know the papers are copyrighted but there are no other way they can get it via bookshop or any legal way.
      So thats the only way to help the students! And if someone (copyright holder) come out with a letter require me to remove certain content, sure i will do so!
      And about students lied on the answer, this is misuse of the website, I have no control at all!
      If you have any problem, can just email me directly! I will get back to you asap!

      1. cikgu IT Avatar
        cikgu IT

        Its copyrighted by JPN .. n it supposed to be used for PnP purposes.. Josh is not making a profit out of this. He is only sharing.. some of us has already got copies from one or two states. All i can say is that he is helping alot of teachers n making their work easier. If anyone of u is turning this into a revision text n selling it for a profit.. then u r breaching the copyright law..
        Josh, those stupid questions given above i think r fron students. How can an IT teacher not know the software to open a compressed file?. I think u can tell one from the other..
        Tq so much for sharing..

  39. pls remove all this trial papers because if not u will be punish by the Copyright Law because all papers are own by the government

  40. checked the link is no problem.
    try to download it at other time.
    You need to click into the page and select “Free User” in order to download it.
    hope this can help!

  41. Thanks for the papers ! really appreciate them. Fingers crossed i need my A+ in ICT 🙂

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