UPDATE: Giveaway closed. Winner announced on the facebook page & on the giveaway wave 2 post.

If you missed this giveaway, no worries because GIVEAWAY WAVE 2 IS HAPPENING NOW! Join now before it is too late!

Hello my dear readers, I’ve been so greatful that so many people are still reading my blog. It had been the 6th year i’ve been managing this blog, doing the same thing year over year and every year, more and more visitors come and hopefully they got something from here. And i would like to use this opportunity to reward back my readers. Im doing a series of giveaways during this few months. Hopefully by doing so might get more new readers to come to this blog, and also reward regular readers.

This wave 1 giveaway is “unlocked” while the facebook page reach 700 likes. Phew, it had been only less than a month and 700 likes, thats really great for me.

Okay, how the giveaway will work? It will be a free raffle style, where you get “tickets” for doing something, and winners will be draw at the end of the giveaway.
I use PunchTab to organize this giveaway (the same site that i use for the Reward Program), and its the first time im using this, i have no idea how things work. But i promise things will be given out by the end of the day. Just follow the steps in the widget below, and you are in. 2 winners are chosen at random by the end of the giveaway. Giveaway will ends by midnight of 09 October 2011. Winner will be announced on this blog by 10 October 2011.

What I will be giving away are 2 copies of Humble Indie Bundle 3 to 2 winners, where i’ve donated and have a few extra copies on my hand. The bundle itself contains 7 great indies games. It will be great for those who want to relieve stress after long hours of studies, or get wasted after your exam 😛
The 7 games in the bundle are: Crayon Physics Deluxe, Cogs, VVVVVV, Hammerfight, And Yet It Moves, Steel Storm, Atom Zombie Smasher. Where personally i strongly recommended VVVVVV for everyone. The games comes with No DRM, playable on PC, Mac and Linux (yea, linux games FTW). There are keys available for Steam and Desura.

What are you waiting for? Get your chance to win NOW and if you told your friends about this giveaway, you will have greater chance of winning the giveaway!

UPDATE (Giveaway widget removed. Please join Giveaway Wave 2!)

Remember to leave a comment below answering the question:
“Are you sitting for SPM or STPM this year? Which subject do you found to be most challenging?”

Do let me know on facebook if you face any problem entering the giveaway, and wish you all the best.



16 responses to “GIVEAWAY WAVE 1”

  1. Ahhem, I m actually sitting for SPM this year (and it freaks me out, I’m still not prepares yet. >.<) I found Chemistry is the most challenging subject for me, because no matter how many times I studied, I just can't remember the details. T.T

  2.  Avatar

    Yaya….I’m siting for SPM this year….To me, the subject I find it most difficult is biology….sad case…

  3. I am sitting STPM this year. I found that Chemistry is the hardest subject in STPM. It is hard because chemistry in STPM is totally different from SPM levels. As it contains three totally different type of chemistry and it have to studied within one and a half year. The chemistry have more chapter compared to other subject ( most of the books contained 32 chapters) And the marking scheme always frustate me because i cannot hit the requirement of the marking scheme. And also i have to studied a lot of international reference book such McGrawHill or Solomons Chemistry in orders to cope with some questions that is unrelated to the syllabus.

  4. I’m sitting for SPM this year and i think SEJARAH is tough for me.

  5. “Are you sitting for SPM or STPM this year?~>Surely I’m sitting for SPM”Which subject do you found to be most challenging?~>The most challenging subject is Additional Mathematic which require us to think creatively using our brains!!

  6. Im sitting for STPM… and I found chemistry is the most challenging subject.. Alot to study!

  7. I’m sitting for SPM this year. Hmm, for me add maths is to be most challenging subject. Not like math mod, it more easier to catch up and understand. But, add maths even i do so many times tried to answer the question, I just can’t get what the question ia ask about and which formula I should use. (T_T’)

  8.  Avatar

    im stpm candidates, i think that chemistry is most challenging subject !!~

  9. tammy_tms Avatar

    Im sitting STPM this year.In my opinion,the most challenging sub is CHEMISTRY. Its not the same as SPM. In STPM,we study a lot more than that. Physical Chem,Organic Chem,and Inorganic Chem. Calculation,Memory power,Understanding,Interprating and Application are really important.

  10. Chin Chun Hoe Avatar
    Chin Chun Hoe

    🙂 Add Math! Need backup.

  11. I’m taking SPM but I still relax because relax is the best!!

  12.  Avatar

    Well, I am sitting for SPM this year…emm..sejarah is always the most challenging subject for me..I have never passed it since form 4..=]]  Hoping that my trial will pass!!! =D

  13. Let’s promote this page^^

  14. […] promised, GIVEAWAY WAVE 2 is HERE! Thanks everyone’s participation on Giveaway Wave 1 And for the Giveaway Wave 1, we have […]

  15. […] remember to grab the GIVEAWAY WAVE 1 before its too late! FREE […]

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