Trying my best…

Guys, just want to give you guys an update, dont expect too much from me since i got my things to busy with.
Im doing this part time, and i dont earn much from here. So dont complain when you find things below (although it might be annoying):
1. Only one set of link available, mirrors not uploaded.
Ya i know, not every mirror serve the same result, some site will go down at certain time or files might not be available. Bear with me please. I will try to upload as soon as i got time (and a proper internet connection).
And please know that linking the mirrors on the post take a long time too. Its not an easy job. 🙁

2. You send me papers and i havent put it up yet.
There are still plenty of papers on my hand which i havent published yet. I must say sorry for those who sending those in. There are few reasons those papers are not up yet.
First, i might not compile them (yet)
Or, i had compile them but i dont have time to upload them, so they just sit in my hard drive waiting to go onto the net!
Or maybe i had forgotten. Give me a friendly reminder if you discover that 🙂
And i gave my priority to those papers that come with set. Whole set of papers make my life easier at compiling and uploading it.
Maybe you send it in, and i downloaded it, but i lost it. Then, remind me again 😛
No time……
Well, im trying my best.

3. Files cannot be open
Well, i receive quite a numbers of complains, regarding the file need a password to open. Well, for most of the case its not true. Just make sure you got Adobe Reader 9 and above in order to view the file properly. And you shouldnt be asking btw. Read the freaking FAQs!
Well, if you are DAMN SURE you got the right software installed, try it at other computer. If still got problem, drop me a comment mentioning SPECIFIC FILE which cannot be opened. If the whole set cannot be opened, im quite sure is YOUR problem. Sorry i cant help you.

4. I might not reply to your comment/chatbox message
For comment, i reply most of them (for those who are necessary. but some comments really dont deserve my time to reply it. Like dont ask me to send those materials by email to you. You know i got no time. Except i got some side kicks to do that for me 😛

5. nothing more…
Just want to thanks everyone reading my blog(s). Thanks for those who thanked me. I love you all. And i will try my best to serve you guys with exam papers, notes, tips and etc.

For those who have papers which want to share, keep them coming.



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