Site News: Server migration and donation needed

UPDATE 11/10/2013: Updated with server migration progress, which is done, and donation target and advertising opportunity


It has been a while since I write a site news post. Here is to update you with the status of the site.

Server migration

The site is getting very high traffic since last month, and I foresee the traffic and visitors will increase for the next two months. I’ve migrated to a host in Singapore last month, but unfortunately the plan that I’m on cant handle the load of the website.
I just ordered a dedicated server from softlayer, which I be migrating to in these few days. There will be some downtime but I will try to make the migration as smooth as possible.
Please like my facebook page and add it to your interest list to make sure you get the latest update and status of the site.
NOTE: Migration has been done. The site is now running on new canggih expensive server. 😀

Donation needed

Due to the massive increase in hosting bill, I will need your help in order to keep this site alive. Therefore I urge you please donate if you think this site benefit you, your students or your childrens.
The site is running on purely advertising revenue from Google Adsense. It is not feasible for me to spend the time and money to maintain the site at the current stage. Thats why I’m asking for donation now.

Hosting fee breakdown

  • This wordpress site host on a dedicated server in Singapore which cost me ~RM600 a month.
  • pages are running on shared hosting sponsored by ipserverone.
  • Fileserver 1 & 3 are running on a dedicated server located in US which cost me ~RM200 a month.
  • Fileserver 2 is running on a VPS in US, which cost me ~RM150 a year
  • It cost me roughly RM10,000 to keep the site alive for a year.
    I only have these 2 months to ask for donation, every ringgit count.

    I believe that these information should be free and available for everyone, thats why I’m not charging anyone to access to all the contents.

    Donation Method

    You can donate via bank in or transfer to my Maybank, RHB or CIMB bank account.
    Or you can donate using credit/debit card via Paypal.
    Any amount is appreciated.

    Name: TEE LIEN YU
    Maybank Account Number: 106138133745
    RHB Account Number: 1-06021-0026574-8
    CIMB Account Number: 06180003798520

    You can contact me at to send me a note after you’ve donated. I will include your name in the donation page if you want to.

    Thanks for your support.

    UPDATE: I’ve updated a donation meter at the sidebar, is to keep track of all donation I get, please let me know if you’ve banked in to any of my bank account, and add my email if you are using internet bank transfer.
    Reasoning behind the RM400 donation target for this month is, the other cost had been covered by the Google Adsense, and other ad(s) placed on the site. I would need RM400 this month alone to make sure I can cover the expenses on this site (along with and also the file servers for hosting the files)

    If you have any education related product or website to advertise, please contact me and we can talk. Starting from as low as RM50.



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